Friday, July 17, 2009


Hireling pastors are not limited to those who teach false doctrine and openly abuse the sheep. Hirelings come with all different kinds of plans and agendas. Some of these churches are led by men, however conservative in their theology, whose aims are related to vast growth at the expense of individual care of sheep. One church in our area is hoping to build a gymnasium on their church property that will cost in the millions. (This, when people are losing jobs and struggling to make ends meet.) And these hirelings wonder why increasing numbers of believers are rethinking “tithe” and how it’s being used. Another church just took out millions in a new loan to revamp their already beautiful church and to add a state-of-the-art recording studio. Why? So the “musicians” of the church worship band can make their own recordings. Onward Christian soldiers.

One of the saddest realities of hirelings shepherds is their near total lack of concern for their sheep. I could personally write a book about what this experience is like as a sheep. Hirelings are either trying to build their little kingdoms or are trying to salvage dying churches where the death rattle is audible. They never seem to comprehend that their churches are dying because the individual sheep are hurting, injured, wandering and alone. It’s all about making payroll and getting utilities paid before they shut the lights off. These are churches where you might be MIA as a member for months, but the letter you’ll get in your mailbox is a fund drive appeal. “Rescue us before the electricity is cut off. Brother can you spare us a gift on your VISA or Mastercard?”

Daubenmire hits it on the head in his piece. True remnant churches may or may not be small, but the hallmark of such churches is the presence of love and concern for the well-being of the sheep. If you have such a church and a godly pastor, thank the Lord on your knees each day for it. They are rare.

Guest Blogger, Ingrid (Slice of Laodicea)

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