Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Just like we prayed...

A few weeks ago, we received relatively bad news in our EMT class. Our teacher told us that the date of our practical exam, the one needed for certification, was being moved back. It was originally scheduled for a few days after class was over. It was now going to be almost a month after the conclusion of course work. That gave us plenty of time to forget our skills. I was not excited.

The only option, we were told, was to see if another region had a testing date closer to our final night of class, March 13th. Our instructor said she'd call around and see what she could find out. She was not optimistic.

I looked at Jane, a classmate, and said, "I'm going to pray that we can have our test on March 15th." She responded, "I'll pray too." She bowed her head then and there.

All this took place on a Wednesday night.

At our next class the following Monday, our teacher began by saying, "Don't get your hopes up, but we may be able to have our practicals on March 15th. Do not schedule anything else that day." I giggled. Then my mouth fell open as she went on. "The folks at Garden City may come down here. Conway Springs may become a testing site." I laughed and looked over at Jane. She was grinning.

We committed to continued prayer. I recruited family and friends as partners in faith. My Bible study group prayed. My prayer partners prayed. My family joined in.

Last night our teacher confirmed the good news. We will be testing on March 15th in Conway Springs!

I emailed a friend. He wrote back: "WOW! PTL!"

I agree. Praise the Lord!

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