Monday, November 17, 2008

Trying to say no...

Mark Hoover, pastor of Newspring Church in Wichita, did not want to come to Argonia Friends Church. That's what he admitted during worship Sunday morning. He explained that he doesn't usually accept outside speaking engagements because he doesn't like to be away from his congregation. God just wouldn't let him say no to this request. Mark confessed, "I planned to send Mike my standard, 'Sorry, I can't because I'm in the middle of a series,' email early on, but God wouldn't let me do it."

I understand Mark's desire to be with the part of the church God's put him in. I love the part of God's church that I've been assigned to lead. I miss my special brothers and sisters in Christ every time I'm away on a Sunday morning. I love them so much.

Well, I suppose you've figured it out: Mark said, "Yes." (I'll have to admit that I was a bit of a persistent pest.) He agreed to come to Argonia not because he wanted to, but because God said, "Go!" I'm glad Mark was faithful to obey.
Mark blessed our church this weekend with great messages about Heaven. We all left Sunday's worship service excited about our eternal Home and even more excited about the people God brought our way because Mark was here.

Thanks, Mark! Thanks for being sensitive to God's leading.

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