Sunday, November 23, 2008

You've got problems...

I’m going to take a wild guess. Some of you have problems in your life. I’d say all of you have problems, but I suppose somewhere in this world there’s someone who has no worries and it’s as likely as not that they’d be someone I know as someone I don’t. So my guess is some of you have problems.

Maybe they’re relational troubles. Marriages a prone to crises – there are men and women involved after all. Parents and teens tend to see things differently – at least once in awhile. Teachers misjudge students’ attitudes and students their teachers’ motives. Employers expect a lot of their employees – sometimes more than anyone could possibly do. Employees are sometimes lazy – doing just enough to get by.

People are people wherever you go. You’re going to see your share of problems if you’re around people much. That’s a fact of life in a fallen, sinful world.

Maybe your trials are not relational at all. Some students have difficulty at school in math or English or chemistry. Tough decisions must be made at work all the time – they go with the territory. Paychecks tend to be issued three days after the bills are due. Health issues are cause for concern with great regularity – look at our prayer requests. Inclement weather wrecks havoc on field work at harvest time and planting time.

Troubles always cropping up. Hang around long enough and they’ll find you no matter what your station in life. That’s a fact of life in a cursed, decaying world.

“In this world you will have trouble.” (John 16:33, NIV) That’s what Jesus said. Trials – part of this world. Sorrows – part of this world. Difficulties, persecution, tribulation, pressure, affliction, anguish, burdens, battles – all part of this world.

“In this world you will have trouble.” But Jesus said more than that. “But take heart!” he continued, shouting it out for all to hear. “Take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NIV)

That’s good news, isn’t it? It’s not the good news – you can be saved from Hell through faith in Jesus – but it ranks right up there with the best news available to man.

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus can handle your problems. Relational difficulties. Spiritual issues. Financial woes. Strong temptations. Health complications. He dealt with them all when he walked the earth as a man. He can deal with them now. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. At least that’s what my Bible says. Check yours.

Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (NIV)

Let me ask you a question or two.

Has Jesus helped you in the past? Think back over the past month or two, the past year or so. Go back as far as you can recall. Hasn’t your Savior come through for you time and time again? Has there ever been a problem too big for him? Think!

If he’s handled all your circumstances past, why aren’t you trusting him with your circumstances present?

I’m asking myself the same question. God’s seen me through tough times in the past. He proved himself faithful over time. He has never failed me, never forsaken me, never ever, ever, ever walked away in the middle of a storm. Not once has he let me down.

I’ll bet it’s the same for you. How could it be otherwise? He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Hey! Future problems? He’s got those under control too. So trust him.

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