Friday, October 16, 2009

An encouraging example...

“…encourage the young men to be self-controlled.” (Titus 2:6, NIV)

Encourage. To inspire with courage, spirit or hope. To attempt to persuade. To urge. To spur on. To give help to.

Notice the word isn’t just about words. Encouragement can be verbal, but it’s more than that. It can be the result of actions.

Young men and women will be encouraged to be self-controlled when they see older men and women living self-controlled lives. The older man who resists temptation to cut corners in his business and testifies to the strength God gave inspires the young man who’s listening to do the same in his school work. The older woman who keeps her tongue in a difficult situation and shares how she overcame the urge gives hope to the young woman struggling to curb her gossip habit.

My dad served as the pastor of at least ten churches over his lifetime. He was faithful to God and to His Word despite ill treatment by a few in most of those places. His actions taught me to resist the urge to run away like a hireling when the wolves attack. By example, he taught me to lay down my life for the sheep.

Though my dad has retired from full-time ministry he continues to serve his Savior. He teaches Sunday School at his church and serves as a deacon. His life has been and will continue to be an encouragement to me.

Have you encouraged a young person to be self-controlled? Have you spoken up when you’ve seen a teen exhibiting any of the fruit of God’s Spirit? “…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” are all commendable. They are evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in a believer’s life. Take note when you see someone who displays this fruit and speak encouragement. Ask God to show himself in you and be an encouraging example.

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