Friday, October 9, 2009

Peace Prize buzz...

The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to President Obama today. They had to wake him up to tell him. I guess everyone was a bit surprised even at the White House that he was selected.

So I get on Facebook and everyone in my circle of friends is spouting off about how undeserving our leader is.
  • "He's done nothing to deserve it."
  • "The prize is from Cracker Jacks."
  • "It's the Nobel Fleece Prize."
  • Etc., etc., etc.

No one was really disrespectful. Just poking fun at the committee that passes out $1.4 to a guy who had been president for less than two weeks when the deadline for nominations passed. (February 1 is the deadline.) Hadn't done much for peace at that time. You could argue it both ways now, I suppose.

Anyway, my favorite moment in the debate came when my friend Greg, a lobbyist in Illinois, posted the following as his status: "Kayne West just issued a press release stating that Beyoncé should have won the Nobel Peace Prize." I shared that joke with a half-dozen others and the mood was lightened dramatically.

Whatever your opinion on this matter, remember this: God calls us to pray for "kings and all those in authority." (See 1 Timothy 2:1-2.) Pray for Barack Obama.

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