Read Matthew 14:25-33 then read on.
Jesus said, "I have come in order that you might have live - life in all its fullness." (John 10:10 TEV)
I am a bicycle rider. I love the freedom, peace and contentment I feel when I'm riding my bicycle. Sometimes I ride on busy roads. At those times, I often ride the white stripe on the side of the road to leave as much room as possible between the passing cars and my bike. I find that I can easily stay on that stripe if I keep my focus well ahead of my front wheel. It is when I look down at the stripe just below me that I become wobbly and find myself in danger of falling into harm's way.
I see the same importance of focus in the Bible story about Peter. When Peter was walking on the water toward Jesus, he was able to stay on top of the water as long as he kept his focus out ahead - on Jesus. But when he looked down at hte waves below his feet, be began to sink.
In life, we have a daily - sometimes even minute-by-minute - choice. When troubles come our way or life's cares begin to overwhelm us and rob us of the abundant life God intends, we can either keep our focus on Christ, with whom all things are possible (Luke 1:37), or look at our fears and begin to wobble. Keeping our focus on Christ frees us to keep our minds and hearts open to receive the abundant life God offers and to be a channel of God's love to others.
Prayer: O God, help us to keep the eyes of our hearts firmly focused on Christ, that we may live the abundant life you freely offer. Amen.
Thought for the Day: We choose whether to look at the waves or at God.
- Guest Blogger, Cathy Fooshee (found in The Upper Room devotional)
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