Sunday, May 10, 2009

Paying for safe abortions helps make abortions rare?

It is hard to believe, but some Christians actually think Obama is advancing policies that will reduce abortions. I am not making this up. One “Christian” blogger even wrote this gem:

"Paying for safe abortions helps make abortions rare."

Uh, sure, and while we’re at it let’s provide free drugs, cigarettes, pornography, guns and more! That would reduce all sorts of societal ills, eh? Businesses give away things for free so that people will ultimately buy less of them, right?

And of course, abortions are never safe for one of the human beings involved and not that safe for the woman, either - physically or mentally.

Interestingly, these folks are the first to rationalize away scientific facts such as that a new human life begins at conception and they oppose all or virtually all restrictions on abortion. They claim that abortions are safe, so why reduce them? They would be a cost effective method of birth control.

So at the same time they deny that abortion kills an innocent human being and protect unrestricted access to abortions, they claim to want to reduce them.

They also often claim that if our policies are enacted then there will be more children on welfare (that’s their “better dead than in foster care” mantra), yet they don’t see how that contradicts their claim that outlawing abortions won’t reduce abortions.

So let’s consider how Obama’s plans - some enacted, some to come - “reduce” abortions:

  • Funding for abortions domestically and internationally. Yeah, paying for more of something and giving it away for free will sure reduce it. Taxpayers have no “choice” in the matter. You must fund abortions whether you like it or not. That example alone should put to rest the lie that he really wants to reduce abortions.
  • Eliminating parental consent laws so public schools can help your kids have serious medical procedures that will destroy your grandchildren, all without your knowledge. They can do this without your consent and your awareness. But if you want your child to take an Advil at school for orthodontic pain, be prepared to go to the school with the original bottle and sign some forms.
  • Eliminating the conscience clause, so medical personnel will have to either perform abortions or refer them to where they can be performed. This proposal is so reprehensible it is hard to believe it is even being discussed. Again, what happened to “pro-choice?” It was a myth all along: They are pro-abortion.
  • Eliminating partial-birth abortion restrictions.
  • Eliminating informed consent and requirements to allow women to see ultrasounds of what they are about to have destroyed. Pro-abortionists don’t trust women to make fully informed decisions, you see.
  • And more!

Obama & Co. want to reduce abortions about as much as McDonald’s wants to reduce hamburger sales. To state otherwise is to be deceived and/or a deceiver. Anyone who perpetuate the lies should be ashamed, especially if they claim to follow Christ.

Guest Blogger, Neil

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