Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Let me ask you a hard question: What is a human being worth? I told you it was going to be hard. We’re not used to questioning the worth of a child or a grandparent, an aunt or uncle. We don’t ask the worth question about humans, because we know they are of great worth.

Think about your kids or your nieces or nephews. Would you sell them for any amount of money? I know there are moments when it would be tempting, but in general, would you take $10 and run? No way! Not even a million dollars could sway me. My kids are worth more to me than all the money in the world.

What is a human being worth? Can’t really answer that can you? Your value and mine isn’t quantifiable. We are priceless. That’s true of every person you know. Your friends. Your family members. Your classmates. It’s true of every person you meet. The store clerk. The waitress. The stranger.

Why priceless? Because the One who made us says so. We have worth because the One with every right and all the authority necessary to do so has set a high value on us. Pay attention as you read the Bible and you’ll see the worth God assigns to mankind. God says over and over in his word that we are valuable. And He isn’t just talk either. God shows our importance by His actions. He created us in his own image. He sent his Son to die in our place.

“Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:6-8, NIV)

Can’t get much more valuable than that!

God values you. He loves you and wants you to enter a relationship with him by faith in Jesus. I urge you to talk with God today about that matter. Trust him for your salvation.

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