Thursday, October 4, 2012

Running around town...

I got out the door earlier than usual this morning. It wasn't even 5:00! I stepped out into the darkness and found the atmosphere to be a bit hostile to humans on foot. With winds in the 20mph range, it felt a lot colder than the 55 degrees the thermometer read. Brrrrr!

I started running and quickly decided on a run around the outskirts of Pratt. I hadn't done that since the dog "attack" the last time I tried it, so I was due for a big loop. I ran out to Highway 61 and then ran out and around the edge of the community college campus. That's where I spotted my first police cruiser. I guess they must patrol the campus from time to time.

I ran off campus and back onto the highway, running down the middle as I did yesterday. I'm such a rebel! I ran up to the cemetery road and turned west on it. I ran up and around the cemetery and then made my way over to the other side of the railroad tracks. I was running along there when I encountered my second cop car. I hardly ever see any officers out when I'm running and now I'd seen two!

I ran across the railroad tracks again and ran directly to the Kwik Shop where I made a much needed pit stop. Ugh! Sometimes running is such a pain!

I left the Kwik Shop and ran out to the western edge of town and ran down to Tenth Street. I was running along Tenth approaching the power plant when, what do you know, another police car passed me. Three in one day! What's up with that?

I ran out onto Highway 281 for a block or so and then ran over to Lemon Park. I did a loop around the park and then ran up to Sixth Street Park, running along the sidewalk until I could jump over to Haskell and run out to Sixth Street.

I ran east on Sixth for awhile. Crossing over Country Club and running on to Fincham, I saw headlights approaching. You guessed it! Another police car! Crazy! Did they radio each other so they could keep the runner under surveillance? More likely it was the same car all four times.

I ran up and around Wal-Mart and out onto Highway 54 for a short time, then turned north on 61 to run back up to Maple and back around to home after climbing the hill up to Welton. I pushed stop on my Garmin at 11.11 miles because I liked the number and then walked a block to cool down. (garmin data)

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