Wednesday, November 4, 2009

25 things to love about ADD...

Ok, so I promised myself I would turn every conversation I'm involved in into a conversation about my ADHD diagnosis. I didn't say I wouldn't go overboard on my blog, however, so here's another ADHD post. (I borrowed this from ADDitude Magazine's website.)

25 Things to Love About ADD, by Bob Seay

1. Insomnia makes for more time to stay up and surf the net!
2. The drive of HYPERFOCUS.
3. Resiliency.
4. A sparkling PERSONALITY.
5. Generosity with money, time, and resources.
7. A strong sense of what is FAIR.
8. Willingness to take a RISK.
9. Making far-reaching analogies that no one else understands.
11. Possessing the mind of a Pentium—with only 2 MBs of RAM.
12. Pleasant surprises due to finding clothing (or money or spouses) you had forgotten about.
13. Willingness to fight for what you believe in.
14. Being FUNNY.
15. Being the last of the ROMANTICS.
16. Being a good conversationalist.
17. An innately better understanding of intuitive technologies, such as computers or PDAs.
18. Honestly believing that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
19. Rarely being satisfied with the status quo.
20. Compassion.
21. Persistence.
22. Joining the ranks of artists, musicians,entrepreneurs and other creative types.
23. Always being there to provide a different PERSPECTIVE.
24. Excellence in MOTIVATING OTHERS.
25. Being highly organized, punctual, and generally responsible (OK, so I lied!).

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