Saturday, May 22, 2010

slo-mo MAYhem

with less than four hours remaining in the slo-mo MAYhem challenge - - i decided i'd better get out and best scott's time. i knew i had to keep it under 2mph to beat his 30 minute time. wasn't sure it could be done, but i was going to take a stab at it.

i rode with my wife up to the grade school. we both were going to give it a try. we thought if we used the grass around the school lot it would keep from going too fast. it did.

it was kind of touch and go at first. i put my foot down at .02 miles four times before i figured out that it was better to push hard and go a little faster to keep my balance than to have to start over again and again. one of my stops was intentional. my wife fell and hurt herself. her injuries were minor, but she'll be sore tomorrow.

so we got going eventually. it took me just over 9 minutes to do my first quarter mile. my second quater mile was much better. i finished the first half mile in 17'12" and kept going. my wife had put her foot down a couple of times, but she just started up again without resetting her time. she didn't HAVE to beat scott like i did.

the second half mile was a bit faster. finished it in 17'04". that extra speed wasn't intentional. i think i went just a bit too fast when the wind was at my back going north or i think i could've stretched it out to a 35'00". thankfully that wasn't necessary to beat the the current leader's 30'00". he said he read a book while riding, but i don't know how he could do that. i had to concentrate the whole time to stay upright. was he telling stories?

will my time stand? i'm guessing it will. victory will be sweet! (1.00 mile @ 1.7mph)

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