Thursday, February 18, 2010

thank you medic 5

first off, i want to thank argonia's medic 5. she'll never see this, but without her kind help i wouldn't have been able to ride a single mile over the past three days while on call. thanks shirley!

on today's ride i decided to work on my "hill" technique. i intentionally stayed seated on every incline. on the tougher climbs i used a strategy i picked up from bicycling magazine a few years back. i pedaled hard with one leg for five counts then switched to the other leg. when it got really hard to stay seated on nine-mile hill, i did a self-invented variation. hard forward with one leg and hard backward with the other for five and switch. very effective.

the wind wasn't much to speak of - 5, 6mph. the temps were the usual - 26 when i left; 32 when i returned. a good day. (20.04 miles @ 16.9mph)

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