Tuesday, March 20, 2012

6.20 miles in 56.37


it was another humid one this morning. 88% relative humidity is pretty ugly even if it's only 50 degrees out. the air feels so heavy. other than that it was beautiful out. the sky was mostly clear and the air calm with just a breath of a breeze to stir things up.

i wasn't sure what i was going to do when i set out just before 5:30. i only knew that i wanted to take it easy after yesterday's hard run. i started out thinking i'd do the loop out by the college, but a block into that route, i turned south and decided to take in the hill out on country club and lake roads. i hadn't done that in awhile and i had plenty of time to do it.

i ran pretty well most of the time. there was a couple of minutes when it seemed my gut was trying to cramp, but it never succeeded in producing any real pain so i kept going. i spotted deer in the ditch on lake road and also heard the spooky yelping of a band of coyotes. kind of creepy!

back in town, i ran out to the west edge of the city limits and then worked my way back home. i encountered few cars. it was really nice to just hear the light whisk of my feet and nothing much else. at main street i saw another runner. she was headed south toward lemon park. i yelled good morning to her, but she didn't turn. my guess is the music in her ears drowned out my greeting.

i ran on until i had to turn north to wind my way back to the house. i ended my run at exactly 6.2 miles in just under an hour. a perfect recovery run if you ask me.

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