Friday, March 23, 2012

a beautiful ride on a beautiful day!

it was absolutely beautiful out this afternoon. 64 degrees with a light breeze. i had to go for a ride. i called up dan while i was getting ready and talked him into going with me. not that i had to talk all that hard. he's usually up for a ride. of course, he'd ridden 55 miles earlier, so he had to whine a bit about being sore. i ignored him and drug him along.

we had a really enjoyable time, just riding along talking and taking in the sights and sounds of spring. about halfway out to iuka, we stopped and talked with brandon and kathy who were headed back to town on their mountain bikes. they're training for the ride across north dakota later this year. we rode on after we left them and took a little jaunt through iuka and rode out east to the evergreen rest stop before turning around.

riding back was a lot of fun. the tailwind was just enough to make riding fast a temptation. i did sprint for just a little to hit 30mph. i backed off the juice just as dan flew past me. he just kept riding. i knew he'd slow up soon enough and i'd catch him. i did.

we crossed the railroad tracks just before a train came through, so we didn't have any trouble getting home. we're going to clean up and then go to the knights of columbus fish fry before watching "race across the sky" later on tonight.

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