Monday, August 3, 2009

Bless your elders...

There is, according to the Bible, a proper way to treat the older generation. God’s treatment plan maintains their worth. His directions acknowledge every senior citizen’s right to life.

In Romans 13:7, Paul gives these words of instruction: “Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” (NIV)

I suppose that seems like a strange verse to start this discussion with. It doesn’t appear to directly address the issue at hand. What do taxes and revenue have to do with the treatment of the elderly? Nothing. But respect and honor are another story. Those who are older are worthy of both.

Tucked away in the book of Leviticus is a single sentence that will direct us in the proper treatment of our elders.

Listen to what God says to his people through Moses in Leviticus 19:32. “Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.” (NIV)

Give everyone what you owe him makes more sense now, doesn’t it? Respect is owed to those who are older. Those who do not respect seasoned saints are, as a matter of fact, guilty of irreverence toward God. That’s what this verse says. Respect for the elderly and reverence for God are tied together. They’re inseparable. You can’t neglect the one without neglecting the other. If you reverence God, you will respect your elders. Respect for those long in years is commanded by God.

Will you choose to be obedient to God’s command? Think of a mature believer who blesses you regularly. Rise and call them. Pray with them. Thank God for them. Bless them.

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