Sunday, August 2, 2009

What kind of pastor?

So we're eating lunch and talking about a couple we know who are getting married in a couple of weeks when something crazy comes out of my middle daughter's mouth. I had barely finished saying of the bridegroom-to-be, "He's been a pastor for a year or more already," when she blurted out, "What kind of pastor, youth or real?" We all burst out laughing.

Poor youth pastors...they get no respect. They're always hearing that age-old question, "So when are you going to grow up and become a senior pastor?" Let me apologize to all the youth pastors out there on behalf of those who unthinkingly say such things. They don't mean to sound like what you do is a stepping stone position...or as my daughter accidentally implied, a position for those who aren't yet "real" pastors. Give them grace and keep on loving and serving the younger set, teaching them clearly from God's Word and preparing them for life's many surprises and complications.


Wil said...

Well at least I know what I'll be dealing with up front.

Unknown said...

i thought you should have a heads up. ;)