Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Farewell Eudora...

My week with family in Eudora, Kansas, has come to a close. It was a good week. I enjoyed very much time with my brothers and sister and with mom and dad...not to mention all the nieces and nephews. We took in Worlds of Fun, DQ, Red Robin and a few dinners in. We played Rack-O for hours on end a couple of days, making up our own rules. It was a blast!

I also put in a good week on my bike. I rode 209.6 miles at an average speed of 17.9mph. The hills were a challenge. One day, lost just a bit in Lawrence, I ended up climbing and climbing onto the KU campus. Every intersection I came to was ONE WAY up hill. I survived. The group ride was fun too, if just a bit exhausting. I also posted a new top speed, 45.5mph. Did the same speed twice on two seperate rides. Yippee!

I return to ride the flat rodes near home tomorrow. Farewell, Eudora!

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