Monday, March 22, 2010

march millenium done

finally! a warmish ride! the sun was shining today. the temps were still a bit cool, but the radiant heat felt good on my back. my legs were happy to be pumping without interruption again. no flats! with a slightly different wind, i would've had better speed. it was just a bit too "in your face" on the way out to maximize velocity. the distance, i'm sure you noticed, was much shorter than any day last week. i got in what i could in the middle of a double shift on ems. i'll probably only get in 100 miles or so this week. need to rest up a bit. thankfully today's ride worked out the aches and pains from friday's 81-miler. feel much better now. AND...drumroll please! i completed my 1000Km for march today. 622 total miles. yippee! (17.91 miles @ 17.6mph)

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