Sunday, March 14, 2010

my daughter, my friend

i only ride on sundays when i have a friend to ride with. today my friend was my youngest daughter, bri. we needed to get in 30 minutes of exercise for our walk kansas team, so we took our bikes and rode down to the river park south of town. it was a little nippy with the wind blowing, but we had caps on under our helmets, so we didn't lose any ears. i let bri lead most of the time. she did a great job. we had lessons in cornering and drafting. nothing terribly complicated, but worth learning earlier rather than later. it was fun. when we got back near the house, bri was ready to quit, but i insisted we get at least a half hour, so we circled around the north side of town and made our goal. she complained a bit about her legs hurting, but she survived. a good recovery ride for me. fun! (5.03 miles @ 9.2mph)

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