Saturday, October 25, 2008

Without getting angry...

Here is Don Miller's step-by-step formula for "how you, too, can go to church without getting angry":
  • Pray that God will show you a church filled with people who share your interests and values.
  • Go to the church God shows you.
  • Don't hold grudges against any other churches. God loves those churches almost as much as He loves yours.

Leading up to this formula, Miller says this: "I had to tell my heart to love the people at the churches I used to go to, the people who were different from me. This was entirely freeing because when I told my heart to do this, my heart did it, and now I think very fondly of those wacko Republican fundamentalists, and I know that they love me, too, and I know that we will eat together, we will break bread together in heaven, and we will love each other so purely it will hurt because we are a family in Christ." (Blue Like Jazz, p. 137-138)

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