Wednesday, October 26, 2011

3.78 miles in 30:01

i'm helping a local organization put together a 5K, so today for my 30-minute tempo run, i scouted out the course i am creating. the plan is to take in as many of the town's christmas lights so main street and lemon park were required elements in the course i come up with.

i started at the alleyway next to the municipal building on third street and ran out to main and ran south all the way to santa fe on the far south side of town. turning east on santa fe, i made my way to lemon park and took a spin around the sidewalks trying to imagine all the bright christmas lights that will make seeing where i'm going much easier. when i got back to the park entrance i left and ran north up pine to ninth then turned east to run through sixth street park. on the far side of sixth street park, i took sixth street over to haskell, ran up the hill heading north on that street, then turned west on third street and ran to rochester. i turned north on rochester and took it to second where i headed west back to main street. a one-block jog south on main brought me back to third street and a half block later i hit my starting point. 3.2 miles! ugh! now i have to figure out how to get rid of a tenth of a mile.

after i finished scouting my route, i ran the few minutes more that i needed to finish up hal's prescribed 30-minute tempo run. i basically just ran a two or three-block loop and called it good.

this is my last workout before saturday's half. i'll just have to sleep in till 6:00 or 6:15 the next to mornings. don't know if i can handle such torture!

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