Monday, November 12, 2012

Getting back on the horse...

What do you do when a horse throws you off? You get back on. What if the horse stomps your head and bites your butt while you're down? I reality you probably lay there and moan in agony. Since this is a metaphorical horse, though, you grab a two-by-four and smack him upside the head then get back on. That's what I decided to do to the horse called running this morning. This horse kicked and bit me Friday, so I got up and took him on this morning.

I got up at 5:00 at looked at the temperature. It was 23, but the wind wasn't too bad. Wear tights, gloves, a headband and a jacket and you'll be fine, I told myself. I went to my gear stash and grabbed what I needed including a new pair of shoes. My old shoes were shot after nearly 1000 miles. I pulled the tissue out of the toes and slipped them on. They felt oddly firm. The soles squeaked on the laminate floor. They looked awesome!

I grabbed my new-to-me refurbished Garmin, strapped it on and headed out the door. My plan was to run a nice and easy 5K following the same route I'd done last week on my final training run. I knew to do more than recovery pace would be stupid. I was still a bit stiff and sore, but I figured I'd survive.

I walked to the start line at Welton and School, pushed start and ran off. My right foot, the one that was so painful Friday, was a little sore, but not stabby like it was then. I paid attention to it for the first half mile or so, knowing if it changed I'd need to stop. It didn't change. In fact, it seemed to get a little better.

I turned on Maple and ran west toward Main. I felt good and the chilled air was certainly more enjoyable than the superheated stuff I'd had to deal with on Friday afternoon. Ugh! I concentrated on pacing myself, not allowing my body to be stressed at all.

I turned south on Main intending to run down to Sixth and then loop back around to home. That was the 5K route. When I got to Sixth, however, I was feeling great so I ran on. I passed a couple of walkers on the sidewalk. My shadow startled one of them as I passed. I apologized for the start I'd given her and ran on. I ran on and on, right out of town and south to Lake Road.

Turning east onto Lake Road, I ran up and over the nasty little hill. Since I wasn't pushing it hard, I actually enjoyed the incline. I crested and then ran down the little slope to Country Club Road.

At Country Club, I turned north to run back into town. I ran down the hill, over the bridge and to Sixth Street again. There I decided to turn west and zigzag my way back home. I took winding Parklane to Parke to Blaine to Cedar to Edgeford and hit stop at five miles just before reaching home. I cooled down for the rest of the block, turned in at my sidewalk and walked in the door.

Take that stupid horse! (garmin data)

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