Saturday, November 17, 2012

To Cairo and back...

I slept in this morning till after 6:00. I got up, dressed and headed out for a slightly warmer ride. It was 39 degrees! I don't know if I can handle the heat after sub-freezing temps.

I started out, got a half block from home and realized I didn't have my helmet on. My skull cap makes me feel like it's there. I turned around, rode back and strapped on my brain bucket, reset my odometer and left again.

The wind was kind of tricky this morning, stronger than it has been and no clear direction east or west. I picked east and rode out of town. I didn't feel great or lousy, just kind of happy as I rode along. I didn't push it much. I was just putting in the miles. The hills slowed me down a bit. I didn't care. I took them in stride and went on.

At the half way point in Cairo (pronounced Kay-Roh in these parts), I had an average speed of 15.6mph. I lost a tenth of that riding back to the highway and then over the next forty minutes or so lost another two tenths thanks to the wind and the hills.

As I rode back into town, I thought, "I should call the city and ask them to have the street sweeper come out and clear the rocks off the intersection just east of Hibbet's." I have to ride out into traffic there because of the pile of gravel. We'll see if I remember to do that on Monday. I kind of doubt I will. (20.41 miles @ 15.3mph)

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