Monday, September 15, 2008

More from UnChristian...

Don't want to bore anyone, but I thought this paragraph from UnChristian was worth posting...

"Despite the challenges facing Christianity, there is good news. This research project led Gabe and me to discover thousands of young people who want nothing more than to elevate the relevance of Jesus to our culture. These young believers are very concerned about how Christianity looks to outsiders. They see holes in present-day Christianity, but they do not want Jesus to be hijacked, either by reinventing him or by those whose lives and words to not adequately represent a holy, just, compassionate, and loving God. These young Christians feel disconnection between their lives today and the way Jesus lived - a mission to bring the kingdom of God into sharp focus for all people, especially those who have the deepest needs. These young adults worry that the unChristian message has become one of self-preservation rahter then one of world restoration." (page 35)

Think and pray on that for awhile. See what God says to you.

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