Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wake up!

Found this bit from the president of Mission Year, Leroy Barber, and though I'd share it...

"I believe that today, young adults are starting to see the church as a place that has not dealt well with the poor and the outcast, whether it be a homeless man in the city of Atlanta or a suburban teen who struggles with pornography.

"Young people will not communicate with and seek help from parents, pastors, and teachers whose lifestyles and passions do not match their words and faith. They will go to those who will embrace relationship with them; those who are also hurting and who are willing to share it.

"Young adults are turning away from a modern church that they see as nothing more than hypocritical. Standards and rulse without sacrifice and solidarity is hypocrisy. Christian rhetoric without tangible acts of love is hypocrisy. Churches on every corner with hurting people outside is hypocrisy.

"A large building with little connection to the streets is essentially empty."

- Guest Blogger, Leroy Barber

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