Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Chase after the good stuff...

Yesterday the Kings' dog (no royal blood in this mutt, trust me) missed a bite of ankle meat because when I rode by on my bike, he was off chasing some imaginary critter. I saw him snapping at the air and pushed a little harder so that by the time he spotted me, it was too late. He couldn't have caught me if he wanted to. Ha! Stupid dog! I win again!

In life, it's not unusual for people to miss the best stuff in life because they're off chasing things that don't matter. Some people work long hours to get more money so they can buy more stuff they seldom use and miss out on their kids' ball games and school concerts and birthday parties. Some people sit in front of the tube all evening long watching mindless drivel and miss out on conversations and close relationships. Some people string together long lists of religious dos and don'ts thinking they can please God on their own terms and miss out on a personal relationship with their Father who loves them. What they want could be theirs if only they would believe on Jesus.

What foolishness are you chasing after? Stop snapping at the air and chase after the good stuff!

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