Tuesday, September 8, 2009

President's address on education...

I'm as conservative in my politics and religion as anyone could be. I annoy my "liberal" friends on Facebook all the time. They dish it out to me too.

I get all sorts of emails from organizations on the political and religious right. I hear all the hype about how horrible President Obama is for our nation. Some of what I read I agree with, but some of it is just plain silly.

I mean what's up with complaining about the President talking with school students, urging them to stay in school and take responsibility for the future of America? I took the time this morning to read the President's speech. It was pretty good. No hidden agenda that I could see, but then maybe I'm not learned enough. Hmm.

So, this is my word to my conservative friends: "Stop being so silly!" Yelling and screaming about really bad ideas is one thing. Ranting and raving about a speech that encourages responsibility? There's nothing crazier than that.

(READ the speech people! I've linked to it above.)


Geof Kelley said...

Here's my concern: if there is a planned message to support a "liberal agenda", I am sure that the media savvy folks in the White House would not drop the bomb on the first encounter. It would only be smart to first create an innocent or even admirable relationship. Maybe weekly pep talks with Uncle Obie. Then slowly introduce the concepts that Mom and Dad might object with in a subtle, defensible way.

Frankly, there are a number of topics I don't want Uncle Obie to have unfettered access to address directly with my children. Let's move the fireside chats to times when parents can share and discuss the experience.

Intellectual, political, and spiritual discernment are life skills that are crucial, but hard to teach and slow to develop. We all fall sucker to several slick pitches before we develop our own Truth compass. And who still trusts the line "Trust me, I'm from the government"?

I hear slick reteric, but I see who Obama surrounds himself with, and I hear my Mama's voice saying "Birds of a feather flock together." I choose not trust him to teach my children how to think.

Unknown said...

thanks for your comment, geof. i share concerns over obama's agenda in many areas. i do not, however, want to be one who suspects EVERYthing the man does as being a secret ploy to undermine my values. the speech he delivered yesterday - word for word what he posted on whitehouse.gov - had value. i hope many kids listened and will do what they can to make this nation a greater one.

Colton Neifert said...

This is A video that was shown to children at a school in Utah. I believe that the original speech was supposed to be more blatantly liberal, but was dumbed down after many complaints.


- Colton

Unknown said...

colton, that video was kind of scary. this spoof is better...
