Friday, June 22, 2012

Sort of speedy ride...

I woke up late this morning. It happens once in awhile when you don't set an alarm clock. I rolled out of bed and dressed quickly before heading out on my bike. I rode south on Edgeford, crossed over to Howard on Random and rode south to Sixth. There I took a left and headed for Country Club.

When I turned onto Country Club, I knew today was going to be fun. I climbed the hill as quickly as I've ever done it. It was a blast. Then I took the rollers on Lake Road at 20mph or more. That is a good morning.

As I neared the lake, I encountered a couple of walkers. I was going to wait till I was past them to say hello, but I coughed about 50 meters back and they jumped. My cough evidently alerted the dog at that house that we were all there, because he came out to attack the women. I accelerated and left them to their fate.

Taking the curve by the lake, I headed south again on whatever that road is called. I've never really taken note of that. All I know is that it is all hill. I climbed it fairly well for me thought I'm sure Dan M. would say my efforts were wimpy. I stayed mostly above 17mph, so I'm happy.

I turned west and headed for Glendale United Methodist Church's abandoned building. I rode the rollers with no problems, sped past Diamond's and Jimmer's house. They barked and ran after me, but I had too much of a head start. I got to the top of the hill just beyond their house and pedaled on. I must say that this section of road seems to be ever so slightly uphill going both ways. I know that's not possible, but it sure feels that way.

I turned around at Glendale. My time was under 30 minutes. A big change from the long times I did last week against a blustery headwind.

As I began rolling down the road on my return voyage, I decided I'd do my best to keep my speed above 18mph the whole way. For the most part, I accomplished that goal. I blew past Diamond and Jimmer at around 30mph and climbed the other side of the valley at over 20mph. I dipped slightly below 18mph then, but built up steam again and rolled for quite some time without another drop below my goal.

Going down the hill toward the lake wasn't as much fun as I would've liked it to be. I guess the wind was just a little out of the north so I only manages speeds in the 20s. Still, with little effort I was above 25mph when I spun past the speed limit sign.

I passed the walkers I'd encountered earlier again as I rolled back toward town. I was glad the dog hadn't done too much damage after I abandoned them. I rode up the hill to Country Club, sped down it back into town and then turned this way and that to get home. (garmin data)

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