Friday, March 16, 2012

3.10 miles in 24:29

"man, those things are bright!" says the man backing out of his driveway of my knuckle lights.

"that's the idea," says i. "i want to be seen." a great conversation for a foggy morning, don't you think?

i woke up late this morning - late for me is 7:00ish - since everyone else is off for the day and won't be bothering me about breakfast. i got dressed quickly for a run and hit the streets. my back, which has been bothering me almost all week, was a little twingey at first, but it settled down as i warmed up.

since it was dark and foggy, i decided to stay close to home and run on streets that are less heavily traveled. today that meant running the same loop three times plus a little to get in a 5K. my splits were all negative - 8:14, 7:55, 7:35 and 7:19 for the last tenth. i was running pretty hard at the end and enjoyed a little puking episode immediately after stopping my garmin. thankfully, it was just one little heave in the gutter and it was over. you wanted to know that right?

since i had plenty of time left before work, i took an especially long walk to cool down. i picked up a few cans for our church's collection along the way - we use the money from recycling them to send kids to camp every summer - and in the last block a little trash. why do people litter? grrrr!

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