Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cutting losses...

Today's run was interesting to say the least.

I started out to run all the brick streets since I still haven't done that. I ran down to start at Curtis, but somehow spaced out and ran right past the bricks there. When I realized it, I decided to run down the highway to Oak and start bricking it there.

Once I was on Oak I took two-block out and backs down to Fourth or Fifth Street and then spaced out again and ended up running north. Not sure what happened. It was weird. I "woke up" running the wrong way.

After that, nothing seemed right. I kept running bricks, but couldn't remember what I had done and what I hadn't. I'm sure I ran some blocks three times. When I'd covered all of Oak and the southern part of Ninnescah, I crossed over to the north side of the highway and started knocking out blocks there. I didn't get far though before the last couple of day's food started knocking at the door wanting out. I decided enough was enough, gave up and ran back home along School Street.

I thought about going back out after I'd taken care of business, but vetoed that idea and decided to call it a day. Sometimes it's better to cut your losses and bail. (garmin data)

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