Friday, February 3, 2012

Hallowed be Thy name...

Have you ever thought about what it means when you pray, "Our Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name"? You are honoring God our Father's name. His name is awesome! Let me list the names given to Him in the Bible...

A faithful God (Deut 32:4), A forgiving God (Neh 9:17), A fortress of salvation (Ps 28:8), A glorious crown (Isa 28:5), A jealous and avenging God (Nah 1:2), A Master in heaven (Col 4:1), A refuge for his people (Joel 3:16), A refuge for the oppressed (Ps 9:9) A refuge for the poor (Isa 25:4), A sanctuary (Isa 8:14), A shade from the heat (Isa 25:4), A shelter from the storm (Isa 25:4), A source of strength (Isa 28:6), A stronghold in times of trouble (Ps 9:9), An ever-present help in times of trouble (Ps 46:1), Architect and builder (Heb 11:10), Builder of everything (Heb 3:4), Commander of the army of the Lord (Josh 5:14), Creator of heaven and earth (Gen 14:19), Defender of widows (Ps 68:5), Eternal King (Jer 10:10), Father (Matt 5:16), Father of compassion (2 Cor 1:3), Father of our spirits (Heb 12:9), Father of the heavenly lights (James 1:17), Father to the fatherless (Ps 68:5), God (Gen 1:2), God Almighty (Gen 17:1), God and Father of Jesus Christ (1 Pet 1:3), God Most High (Gen 14:18-22), God my Maker (Job 35:10), God my Rock (Ps 42:9), God my Savior (Ps 18:46), God my stronghold (Ps 144:2), God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Ex 3:16), God of all comfort (2 Cor 1:3), God of all mankind (Jer 32:27), God of glory (Ps 29:3), god of gods (Ps 136:2), God of grace (1 Pet 5:10), God of peace (1 Thess 5:23), God of retribution (Jer 51:56), God of the living (Matt 22:32), God of the spirits (Num 16:22), God of truth (Ps 31:5), God our Father (Col 1:2), God our strength (Ps 18:2), God over all the kingdoms (Dan 4:17), God the Father (Col 3:17), God who avenges me (Ps 94:1), God who relents from sending calamity (Joel 2:13), Great and awesome God (Deut 7:12), Great and powerful God (Jer 32:18), Great, mighty, awesome God (Deut 10:17), He who blots out your transgressions (Isa 43:25), He who comforts you (Isa 66:13), He who forms the hearts of all (Ps 33:15), He who raised Christ from the dead (Rom 8:11), He who reveals His thoughts to man (Amos 4:13), Helper of the fatherless (Ps 10:14), Him who is able to do more than all we ask or imagine (Eph 3:20), Him who is able to keep you from falling (Jude 24), Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead (2 Tim 4:1), Holy Father (John 17:11), Holy One (Rev 16:5), Holy One among you (Hos 11:9), I AM WHO I AM (Ex 3:14), Jealous (Ex 20:5), Judge of all the earth (Gen 18:25), King of glory (Ps 24:7-10), King of heaven (Dan 4:37), Living and true God (1 Thess 1:9), Lord Almighty (2 Cor 6:18), Lord God Almighty (Rev 21:22), Lord is Peace (Judg 6:24), Lord Most High (Ps 7:17), Lord is my Banner (Ex 17:15), Lord my Rock (Ps 28:1), Lord of all the earth (Zech 4:14), Lord of kings (Dan 2:47), Lord our God (Deut 1:6), Lord our Maker (Ps 95:6), Lord who heals you (Ex 15:26), Lord who is there (Ezek 48:35), Lord who makes you holy (Heb 2:11), Lord who strikes the blow (Ezek 7:9), Lord will provide (Gen 22:14), Love (1 John 4:8), Maker of all things (Jer 10:16), Most High (Gen 14:18-22), My advocate (Job 16:19), My Comforter in sorrow (Jer 8:18), My confidence (Ps 71:5), My helper (Heb 13:6), My hiding place (Ps 32:7), My hope (Ps 25:5), My light (Ps 27:1), My mighty rock (Ps 62:7), My refuge in times of trouble (Ps 59:16), My song (Ex 15:2), My strong deliverer (Ps 140:7), My support (2 Sam 22:19), One to be feared (1 Chron 16:25), Only wise God (Rom 16:27), Our dwelling place (Ps 19:1), Our help and our shield (Ps 33:20), Our judge (1 Sam 24:15), Our lawgiver (Isa 33:22), Our leader (2 Chron 13:12), Our Mighty One (Isa 33:21), Our Redeemer (Isa 63:16), Our refuge and strength (Ps 46:1), Righteous Father (John 17:25), Rock of our salvation (Ps 94:1), Shepherd (Ps 23:1), Sovereign Lord (Acts 4:24), The Almighty (Ruth 1:20), The compassionate and gracious God (Ex 34:6), The Eternal God (Gen 21:33), The consuming fire (Isa 33:14), The everlasting God (Isa 40:28), The exalted God (Mic 6:6), The faithful God (Deut 7:9), The gardener (John 15:1), The glorious Father (Eph 1:17), The glory of Israel (Mic 1:15), The God who saves me (Ps 88:1), The God who sees me (Gen 16:13), The great King above all gods (Ps 95:3), The just and mighty One (Job 34:17), The living Father (John 6:57), The Majestic Glory (2 Pet 1:17), The Majesty in heaven (Heb 1:3), The one who sustains me (Ps 54:4), The only God (Jude 1:25), The potter (Jer 18:6), The rock in whom I take refuge (Ps 18:2), The spring of living water (Jer 2:13), The strength of my heart (Ps 73:26), The true God (1 Thess 1:9), You who judge the people (Deut 33:3), Your glory (Ps 57:11), Your praise (Ps 138:1), Your very great reward (Gen 15:1)!

Do you know this great God? Praise His name!

List taken from the Experiencing God workbook, by Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby and Claude King.

1 comment:

Brad said...

Very cool post, Mike. Thanks for sharing! I am going to use this list to help me in my regular prayers to God during the "praise" portion.