Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2.12 miles in 20:32

my alarm clock woke me up at 4:40 this morning. i usually wake up around then anyway, but i set it to make sure i was up and ready before andrew, my new running partner, showed up. he said he'd be at my house at 5:00 or 5:15 and he was. i waved at me through the fogged over storm door window. i waved him in and we stretched and talked quietly. i told him about dailymile and even showed him some of the features. he thought it was pretty cool and sounded like he'd give it a try. hope so.

after we were limbered up a bit, we went out and started running. he wanted to run around two miles, so we ran a loop around the northside of town. the best thing about this route is that it passes by both of our houses, making it easy for meet ups.

andrew was awesome! he ran a fairly steady pace for most of the loop. he asked good questions and put what little advice i had to offer into practice immediately. he was hitting his heels at the beginning of the run and i mentioned it. it was fixed immediately. no sense in starting out wrong and having to unlearn a bad habit.

i ran for the first time with my new headlamp. my father- and mother-in-law gave it to me for Christmas and it was awesome. kept us from twisting our ankles on the dark westside of town.

after we crossed main street on the south side, andrew started feeling a bit of a cramp or something - not sure exactly what he said - so we slowed down a bit. we zigzagged back past my house and ran up to a block south of his. we stopped there and walked to his house talking the whole way.

"thursday morning same time, same place?" i asked. "yeah, see ya thursday," he said. woohoo!

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