Saturday, August 13, 2011

a new friend

dan and i did our usual out and back to glendale this morning. it's amazing how much faster i ride when he's around. it's scary!

i hit 19.5 miles when i got to my house, so i decided to get up to 20 miles. for some reason - oxygen depravation most likely - i thought that meant another 1.5 miles, so i rode out toward highway 61 to make a loop. by the time i figured out that i didn't need to ride that far, i was in the mood for more, so i turned east and rode out on the highway to go to the lake.

just as i was turning onto lake road, another cyclist was approaching from the west. i slowed so i could meet this new friend. his name was brian mclaren (not sure on the spelling) and he was training for the MS 150 in winfield later this fall. we rode around the lake and back into town.

after hitting 30 miles, i left brian and rode home. he said he might just show up at dan's to ride next saturday at 6:00. hope so! (30.47 miles @ 17.6mph)

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