Tuesday, December 28, 2010

3.10 miles in 22'45"

i spent an hour and a half this afternoon writing a blog post which, when it's done, will appear on the dailymile community blog. after writing three or four paragraphs i'd had about all the sitting still i could stand, so i decided a run was in order. i got up from the computer, dressed quickly and headed out.

at the corner of pine and vine, i hit play on my mp3 player and started running. from the first step, i knew it was going to be a great day. i felt miserable through long sections of my 5-miler yesterday. i felt very little pain at all today even when i was pushing the pace.

when i left the house, i told my dad that i was going to run three miles, but as i neared the finish i decided to stretch it that little bit more to make it a 5K. i was pretty sure i was headed for a PR at that distance and didn't want to let the opportunity pass me by. i ran a block past my starting point, rounded the corner and stopped my watch at the alleyway. i saw a time i never thought would ever come - 22'45"! my first sub 23 minute 5K ever and i wasn't absolutely dead. i think i could've run another mile or two without lessening my pace. of course, that's the rested and showered me talking. the stretched to the limit me might have had a different plan if i'd actually had the time to run another couple of miles. that test will have to come another day. it's time to leave for supper in anthony now.

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