Wednesday, December 29, 2010

6.29 miles in 55'00"

after several hours of shopping with my family, i was glad to pull on my running gear and knock off a 10K with the GoRun wichita group. they were much nicer to me at the beginning of this run than they were the first time i ran with the group back in october. the pace was managable for the first two to two and half miles, then the pack i was running with either put it in another gear or i dropped my transmission. not sure which it was, but i found myself watching them from further and further away. by the time we reached 29th street, they were a good 40 or 50 meters ahead of me. i was still feeling good, i just couldn't run any faster without depleting the energy i knew i'd need to deal with the headwind on the way back.

i turned around at tee time street and headed back up the tiny hill to tyler. i ran along at my own pace. a couple of people had already mentioned my earlier puking incident, so i didn't want to create a new one. i kept plugging away at it, but i'm telling you they must made it further between 29th and 21st while i was running east because it seemed to take forever for the pizza hut to come back into view.

about the time i was worried about finding the right street to turn on to get back to GoRun, someone caught up with me. i asked them if they knew where they were going and they assured me they did. we came to chadsworth and he turned north. i followed. we ran a few blocks and he started hemming and hawing. "i think we may have turned a block too early," he said.

sure enough. we'd gotten ourselves "lost" on the wrong street. we had to run further north and then swing around to get ourselves back to sterling which took us back to maize and the store. the two of us made it into the GoRun parking lot about 6:58. my family was waiting in the van, so i entered the store and quickly retrieved my jacket. somewhere along the way, my stopwatch stop/start button got bumped, so the time is approximate on this. it was around 6:03 when we left and 6:58ish when i got back. i'm calling it 55 minutes even.

from there we went to cholita's for mexican. quick, authentic and delicious! it hit the spot. after two gu gels, it was nice to chew.

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