Friday, December 17, 2010

still chasing adil

when i woke up at 5:00 this morning, i discovered that adil g was almost 80 miles ahead of me. i knew i couldn't make up all of that distance in one day, but if he's kind and doesn't ride again today, i might catch him on saturday since he has a friend's daughter's wedding to go to. i can only hope he doesn't ride another 30 miles this afternoon.

with the temperature at 30 degrees and the wind was hardly even worth mentioning, this morning's ride was fairly pleasant. i didn't push it hard going out and only increased my effort a little on the way back so i would have time to fix breakfast - whole wheat bran muffins! they were already mixed up, so i just needed twenty minutes or so to put the dough in the muffin pan and get them in the oven.

all i'm really after right now is miles, so after breakfast i pushed even less. i just wasn't in the mood for a hammerfest. i'll admit i thought about an extra mile or two, but i rode out four miles and came back just as planned. that gave me time to order my daughter's textbooks for next semester and pay tuition. yippee! (30.02 miles @ 15.5mph)

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