Tuesday, December 7, 2010

when it all comes together

there are times when everything comes together and something special happens. tonight was one of those times. i hit the road after work hoping to get in 10 to 12 miles while it was relatively warm. i ended up with 18 miles because after the first 6 miles i realized my legs were up to something amazing. i'd covered those first half dozen miles in 20:10, averaging just over 10 minutes per three miles. that's into the wind! the next three miles i covered in less than 10 minutes, turning around at the nine-mile mark before 30 minutes had passed!

riding home was trickier than i expected. i kept up the speed, but there seemed to be more slow riding. i don't know if there are more uphills going west or what it was. my speed dropped under 15mph more than once. i growled and leapt out of the saddle every time it did. i wasn't having any of that.

with one mile to go, i was sure i was going to finish with the best speed i've attained in months. i was elated. i pushed it on home and stopped the clock at less than an hour. wish things came together like this more often, but i guess they wouldn't be as special if they did. (18.17 miles @ 18.4mph)

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