Saturday, December 4, 2010

hawks and honking

i got a late start this morning. the sun was actually up when i headed out on the road. the sun was up and the wind was back. it was making up for lost time after two calm days, i guess. the strength of it accounts for my 14.1mph average and the shortness of my ride. i just couldn't stand being buffeted any longer.

from the get go this ride was less enjoyable than most. the wind forced the air i was trying to exhale back down my windpipe as i crept up pine street at 8mph. fighting to breathe is not much fun.

things were slightly better when i turned east onto the highway, but still not all that great. the wind, now on my left side, chilled me to the bone quickly and froze my face in place.

around four miles out, three semis hauling extremely oversized loads passed me going west. the draft of of each of them had the same effect as the headwind had on pine. i was gasping for breath and struggling to stay upright.

somehow i managed to get to the ten-mile mark without further incident. i had planned to turn around there, but then i thought, "what would Steve S. do?" he'd ride 90 miles, so i decided to grab an extra mile or two to lessen the damage a little.

at eleven miles out i turned around. the wind wasn't as cooperative as i would have liked, but i did pick up a bit of speed as i headed west. i was glad i didn't have to deal with the draft off vehicles any more. of course, now i had the undesirable task of staying off the road when the wind gusted to 5000mph! (okay, maybe the gusts were only 500mph. 5000mph was probably an exaggeration.)

about nine miles out, a pickup pulling a stump grinder decided it would be fun to scare the cyclist to death. he laid on his horn as he passed within 72 inches of me. i was not happy. when i saw this same truck at someone's house grinding stumps a few miles later, i was sorely tempted to stop and give the man a piece of my mind. on second thought, i decided i needed all the pieces i had and he'd have to fend for himself.

one more cool thing and then i'm done. somewhere between the honking and the stump grinding incidents, i was accompanied along my way by a kettle of three or four hawks. (i looked it up. you don't call a group of hawks a flock though dr. seuss would like it better that way.) the threesome (or foursome) seemed to be enjoying the wind. they soared along like it was the perfect day to be out and about. one of them flew along beside me, urging me on. it was awesome! God's creatures are so cool!

ok. now i'm done and i "get" to go to a craft fair with my wife. (22.19 miles @ 14.1mph)

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