Monday, December 27, 2010

relaxed ride

ahhhhh...vacation! my goal is met. i have a week off. it's frigid out. what could be better? the cold!!!! that's what could be better! it was 17 when i went out at 7:30 this morning. that late in the morning it should be 70, right? but it's not. it's 17. bummer. at least it was 24 by the time i got home.

this morning's ride was a relaxed journey from home to mayfield and back. i hardly needed my headlight when i left and didn't need it at all when i got home near 9:30. it's a good thing too, because the crazy thing went off in less than a half hour. good thing i didn't go out at 6:00. i'd have been in the dark for awhile.

so i made it to mayfield and started back. i needed a break au natural, so i pulled over behind a bush away from the road. and do you know what?! three cars came one right after the other on this stupid little side road. i grabbed a drink while i waited for the peeping toms to move on before taking care of business.

on the way home, a couple of trucks buzzed me. i was fine with that though. they weren't really, really close. didn't even really scared me.

so i made it home. i zapped the zero and i've got a ton of work done around the house. breakfast has been served. the laundry is almost done. must be time for a run. soon...i hope. (25.60 miles @ 13.3mph)

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