Friday, December 24, 2010

an interview post goooooal!

an interview with not-so-bright guy...

mike n: so i hear you're not so bright.
n-s-b guy: well, i don't know about that, but it was dark outside this morning.
mike n: did you go out for a ride?
n-s-b guy: duh. and they think i'm not so bright.
mike n: but it was 31 degrees out with some sort of precipitation coming down.
n-s-b guy: yeah. so what?
mike n: weren't you afraid ice might form on the road? you could've slipped and fallen. you could've cracked your skull.
n-s-b guy: i knew ice could form, but i had a goal to meet. a slick spot or two weren't going to send me back to my nice warm bed. and, for your information, i have a very thick skull.
mike n: i see. so you made your goal? what for the year?
n-s-b guy: yes, for the year. i added 31/100ths to make sure i was over 8040 miles for the year. and to match the temperature - 31/100ths...31 degees,
mike n: 8040 miles. that's a lot.
n-s-b guy: i suppose.
mike n: did anything interesting happen along the way to your goal? anything you'd like to share about today's ride or any other workout?
n-s-b guy: there are tons of stories to tell, but i've told most of them on dailymile so i'll keep it short and just recount a single strange incident from this morning's ride. about three miles out of town, i'm riding along, minding my own business when i hear a vehicle approaching from behind. i can tell it's slowing so i do my best to keep a straight line.
mike n: that's a good idea.
n-s-b guy: yes, well, please don't interrupt.
mike n: oh, i'm sorry.
n-s-b guy: so this white pickup pulls up next to me. he's not three feet off my left shoulder. i look over and say, "hi," figuring it's a friend who's got his window down so he can encourage me in my quest to reach my goal. the truck's window is not down. my hi bounces off the glass as the truck drops back a bit and then speeds up and goes on past me.
mike n: that's odd.
n-s-b guy: odd? i'd call it rude. a guy's riding outside on a cold, rainy, drizzly day and the driver of a white pickup won't even give him the time of day.
mike n: umm. yeah. i guess. anything else you'd like to say? our time is just about up?
n-s-b guy: will people on dailymile read this interview?
mike n: i'm sure it will be posted there and two or three people might read it.
n-s-b guy: good enough. i have this to say to all those dailymilers out there. you drove me to this. you made me get out a ride on a not-so-bright morning with freezing rain falling just to meet my goal. your motivations pushed me to the brink of 8040 miles yesterday and over the edge of that precipice today. thanks a lot! oh, and merry Christmas!
mike n: do you always talk to yourself? (22.69 miles @ 12.9mph)

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