Monday, December 27, 2010

5.00 miles in 45'07"

everyone was in a "working out" mood this afternoon when the temps hit 40. my daughter and mother-in-law went out for a walk. my wife hit the treadmill. i decided it was time for me to get out and run a bit.

i wanted to run the route my daughter and i scouted on our bikes the other day, so i left the house and ran up by the school and then north past argonia mart and onto the highway. i continued west on 10th avenue and then turned north again. it should have been pretty easy going with the wind out of the southeast, but i wasn't feeling all that great and my right hamstring was acting a bit weird. i guess i need to stretch it better before i head out.

by the time i got up to 20th avenue and headed east, i was feeling pretty puny, but what was i going to do? i was over half way around the route i'd chosen, so i pressed on up and over the rise by ron swingle's house and back to argonia road. my energy level improved a little and i turned south toward home hoping to finish up with at least a 9'00" pace. i figured it would be close.

coming south into town i encountered a few cars speeding north toward wichita. they didn't do as good of a job of moving out and around me as i would have liked them to do, but i didn't get hit so i guess i can't complain. i ran straight to highway 160 where i turned east for a block and then headed another three blocks south before turning east for the final two blocks. i was a bit disappointed when i saw my watch click over to 45'00" just before i reached pine and vine. still, considering how long it's been since i ran this far and how lousy i felt at times, not a bad pace. i'll do better in the coming days as i get my running legs back.

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