Tuesday, October 26, 2010

3.15 miles in 26'23"

this morning's outing was one of those crazy faster than i thought runs. i wasn't looking to break any land speed records. i just wanted to get in a few miles before work since i'm going to be gone this afternoon and evening. no sense in wasting a day when i can get a little something in.

i walked my wife to work at the grade school and then started off as soon as i could. it was cold and i needed to warm up. it took awhile, but i was toasty by the time mile two came around. i just kept plugging away.

when i hit main street again, i decided to go back up to the school and double back to home. i was pretty sure this would get me close to a 5K.

at pine and vine i when stopped my watch it read 26'23". a decent time. like i said, i wasn't trying to set any speed records. i just wanted miles. these were good ones.

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