Friday, October 8, 2010

3.51 miles in 40'40"

after a few minutes of hoping my just finished dinner didn't come up, this run with my wife was rather enjoyable. we started out slow and gradually picked up our pace. at the end, we were flying. my wife wanted to be done, so she started running in earnest. funny how she can do that when the end is in sight.

since i was on call tonight, we never really got very far from our starting point - the ambulance station at the corner of vine and main. at our furthest point out we might have been seven blocks away from an emergency response. my pager didn't go off, so it didn't really matter. my partner knew what i was doing, so he would've waited the extra minute or two for me to get there. wonder how fast i can run in when a pager-induced adrenaline rush hits me. hmmm. i'll have to find out some day.

the weather was quite enjoyable. 74 degrees and calm. it was twilight when we started and quite dark when we finished. we walked the three blocks home by the light of the city street lights.

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