Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a quick out and back

it was a full ten degrees warmer today than yesterday. my fingers were grateful for the warm up, as was my face. well, actually, i suppose my whole body was happy about the rise in temperature. between that and the drop in wind speed, the conditions this morning were just about perfect for riding.

i left the house around 5:30 and headed east on the highway. it seemed darker than usual, but i'm not sure it was. i heard a dog barking a couple of times before i passed the two-mile mark, but wasn't too concerned. i know the dog and all he was doing was saying, "what's that light?" or "hello!" another dog barked out, "i want to eat you," at the six-mile mark, but he was behind a fence and could do nothting to back up his threats.

i made it out to osborne road and turned around there close to 6:00. from there i sped back up black dog hill and made my way back home. it was during the stretch between antichrist hill and cemetery hill that i discovered my cyclocomputer was working properly. i'd taken time to scraped off the corrosion i'd seen on the contacts yesterday. must've done the trick. all the measurements - time, distance, speed - were basically the same as my garmin's readout when i got back home.

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