Monday, September 12, 2011

5.28 miles in 1:00:46

i walked to work out the early morning stiffness and then ran down to the track at pratt high for some speed work. nothing really exciting to report. it's a warm up.

after warming up and stretching a bit, i set out to conquer hal's workout for the day: 6 x 400m sprints. i walked around the track to the starting line from where i'd been stretching and took off on my first sprint. it felt amazing to be running fast. everything felt great. my breath was under control. my arms were pumping in rhythm. then i hit the 200m mark. ugh! i'd forgotten how hard the second half of a 400m sprint is. i pressed on and finished strong. my first sprint came in at 1:24. that skinny kid was in the grandstands laughing at me. punk! i jogged and walked another 400m and then hit the gas for my second sprint. my time on the second one...1:30. four more to go. i jogged less and less during my rest laps and came in with times of 1:32, 1:28, 1:27 and 1:29. i'm pretty pleased with those times. i'm even more pleased that i kept the puke down when it wanted to escape.

i walked a little ways from the track to cool down and then ran the mile back home. nothing to say besides that. cool downs aren't that exciting.

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