Monday, August 16, 2010

2.65 miles in 23'45"

i was supposed to walk for five minutes to warm up, but 22 seconds into my workout i said, "forget this," and started running.

i ran and ran and ran. i did not stop for more than nine minutes!

at that point, i needed a short break to let my lungs recover a bit, so i walked for a block and a half between ash and oak on plum and then i started running again.

i ran for just over three minutes and my heart was murmuring against me, so i stopped running and walked for two blocks on sumpter between walnut and cherry.

i started running again on cherry. i ran to main, turned north and made it to beech and high street before i needed another break.

i walked the short block to allen and then ran all the way back to pine and vine. that intersection happened to be a few short feet from my front door.

i walked in, happy with my pace. now i have a better idea of where i am. not where i want to be, but on my way.

skinny guy, watch out!

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