Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3.12 miles in 26'41"

the skinny kid just got beat! well, not quite. i'd have to maintain this afternoon's pace over twice the distance i just did, but i'm pretty sure that's doable.

what's even more incredible to me is my pace over the first 1.33 miles. i ran that distance without stopping to walk in 10'14". that's 7'41" pace! if only i could get my legs and lungs to agree to running that fast for a full 10K. we'll see.

anyway, as you can see, my couch ot 10K program has pretty much gone out the window. i'll probably bite the bullet and go back to it so i can actually get faster at the distance i'm aiming for, but running longer and faster than i'm supposed to is more fun. so much more fun that i ran today and a run wasn't even on the schedule. yikes!

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