Friday, February 18, 2011

3.10 miles in 24:35

i had plans to get up early and get in a longer run this morning, but i overslept. i planned during breakfast to salvage my day and still run long, but not as long. then time with my wife took precedence over running. always will! so after i saw her off to work, i hit the streets with "big daddy weave" providing the soundtrack to keep me moving.

i ran north a block and west two before heading north past the grade school and across the highway into the new housing development. i ran up and around the loop at the north end of the tract and then headed toward argonia road.

my plan was to run back into town and loop around the outside edge, but when i got to the intersection, i decided to change it up a bit. i turned north instead of south and ran out into the country, past the elevator and to 20th avenue before turning around and running back to town.

argonia road was busy. lots of people running late for work and later for school buzzed past me going this way and that. knew several of the people and waved. i waved at the others too. small town living is awesome!

i made it back to town, ran straight across the highway and ran south down main street to walnut. if there was even a hint of nausea on this run, it was here, but it wasn't very strong. i turned on walnut to head east toward home and was able to keep running at the same basic pace. i ran the three blocks east to pine and turned north. when i reached 3.10 miles, i pressed stop on dude, my garmin, and slowed to a walk.

i walked a couple of blocks to cool down and then came in to clean up. i'm showered, shaved and ready to go now. God is good! hope everyone has as good a day as i plan to have!

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